Inas speaks.

One poem a day keeps the doctor away


Getting upset about the simplest things

Because of you I stopped believing in happy endings

Insulting your wife and kids

Not caring about our feelings

Fights at three,four in the morning

All this hate you have for us keeps my heart bleeding

Because of you father I stopped believing in love,trust,happiness

I cried so many times now my bestfriend is sadness

Beating her and calling her a whore

Where did the love go ? All that passion you had before

You’ll cry,say you’re sorry and give me a kiss on the forehead

But that’s not gonna make me forget about all the hurtful words you said

Because I know two days later you’re gonna do it all over again

Because of you I never knew what being loved by your father feels like

Because of you I never knew what freedom feels like

Because of you I never knew what being fearless feels like

Around you I’m never myself,I always have to work hard to get people’s respect because you constantly put me down

Love me,respect me,protect me,that’s all I’m asking

Treat me like I’m your daughter,sometimes I have this feeling

That you’re a complete stranger,father.



Pluck a string on your guitar

Play a few notes under the shining stars

Find both happiness and sadness when you touch your piano

Find peace,play some high,play some low

Escape the world with your violin

Sway with every note while holding it with your chin

Have a rush of inspiration at three in the morning

Write down some words,break a smile,start singing

Have idols,buy every album,learn every song

Don’t get much sleep ’cause you’ve been dreaming about meeting them all night long



I loved you more than myself,more than anything

I loved you,too much,I stopped thinking

You said you loved me back,that I was you’re one and only

I believed you,I was never ever in my life so happy

I felt confident,beautiful,worthy,wanted

But all you wanted to do was play around and I was that stupid

They said to me the first love is the craziest

But they never mentioned how lifeless you feel after you get your heart broken

You didn’t hesitate to cheat and lie

The worst part is that you did it in front of my eyes

I cried and cried and cried,then wiped my tears off and appeared all smiling

I felt hopeless,worthless,ugly,fat,lifeless,dying

And you moved on so fast

forgetting about me,about us,like you were free at last

You acted

Like I never existed

Like we never happened

Like all the love just simply faded.


Palm trees,endless deserts,breathtaking sunsets

Grey slums,poverty,ambiguous regrets

My country Morocco,my first love

Born and raised,considered this land more than my mother

I breath Morocco,I feel Morocco

It’s my identity,where I learnt to be

I’ll always love Morocco.


I wouldn’t say I loved you with all of my heart

Because that isn’t true

I’d rather say I loved you with all of my brain

Sometimes you think love is right,that it’s sane

Other times,it’s just too hard to get,too silly to obtain

You’d think that a simple hug from that one person,a kiss under the rain

Means everything,then suffer from it,having no one to blame

I loved you with all of my brain

It consumed me like cocaine

It made me feel things I couldn’t explain

I loved you with all of my brain

And now because of it I may be going insane.


We all have fears

We all have needs

When we’re sad we cry tears

But that does not mean we’re weak

Afraid of the dark,the future,what will happen next year

Afraid of your thoughts,pushing them back,afraid of being sincere

Fear makes us humans

It makes us weak and strong,right and wrong

It makes us alive,it makes us love life,live love,fear for him or her

Fear that one word can deeply hurt

Fear for you mother and father

Fear for son and daughter

Fear for your brother and sister

Fear for you

Fears are the weakness of the strongest

The light among the darkness

The happiness among the sadness

Fear is here,it’s there,it’s everywhere

Fear is nowhere.


I want crazy,euphoric,beautiful

I may be needy,romantic,a little too hopeful

Love is all I need

Being with you is my destiny

If only one loved they’d call him a freak

Loving you is all I,all I need.

I was searching for this

Love that would make me careless

All the untold words would be confessed in a kiss

Love that would make me fearless

Love is all I need

Being with me is your destiny

If only one suffered they’d call him weak

Loving you is all I,all I need.

Love can make you happy,Love can make you sad

Love can make you love life,Love can make you suicidal

Love hurts,Love burns,Love speaks truth

Love is crazy,Love is sane

Love can be as addictive as cocaine,as sad as rain,

as dark as night,as bright as light

But Love is all we need.